Traduzione per "get him back to" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
We must get him back to the Tardis. -No.
- Debemos llevarlo de vuelta a la TARDIS.
We're supposed to get him back to his wife!
¡Se supone que debemos llevarlo de vuelta a su esposa!
You've got to find the Doctor and get him back to the TARDIS.
Tienequeencontrar al Doctor y llevarle de vuelta a la TARDIS
We should get him back to the ship.
Deberíamos llevarlo de vuelta a la nave.
Yeah, well, I gotta get him back to Renee's.
Sí, bueno, tengo que llevarlo de vuelta a casa de Renee.
We just have to get him back to the shop.
Tenemos que llevarle de vuelta a la tienda.
How are you planning on getting him back to Earth?
Como piensan llevarlo de vuelta a Tierra?
We gotta get him back to the gate now.
Tenemos que llevarlo de vuelta a la puerta ya.
Our mission was to get him back to Tatooine alive.
Nuestra misión era llevarlo de vuelta a Tatooine con vida.
We've got to get him back to the ale house!
¡Tenemos que llevarle de vuelta a la taberna!
“Do you really think you’ll get him back to the Citadel and they’ll believe you?”
— ¿De veras piensas que podrás llevarlo de vuelta a la Ciudadela y que te creerán?
How fast can you get him back to Sama?’ ‘Two days, Aphrael.
¿A qué velocidad podéis llevarlo de vuelta a Sarna? —Dos días, Afrael.
I must get him back to our accommodation where he can be properly looked after.
Tengo que llevarlo de vuelta a nuestro alojamiento donde podrá ser adecuadamente atendido.
Got to get him back to his kingdom.
Tengo que traerlo de vuelta a su reino.
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