Traduzione per "get furious" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The unAmerican guys chase Lenz and then stop across the car facing him for a second and then get furious again and chase him.
Los tíos no americanos persiguen a Lenz, se detienen un segundo del otro lado del coche, luego vuelven a enfurecerse y a perseguirlo.
The Mangaches used to peek through the wall boards, they would watch the harp player get furious when Jocko lost the beat, forgot the lyrics, or hit a sour note, and they would listen to Kid Alejandro as he sadly taught the truck driver the mysterious lines of his songs: eyes like the break of day, the soft glow as dawn is on its way, the poison that your love poured, mean and evil, into my aching heart.
Los mangaches espiaban entre las cañas, veían enfurecerse al arpista cuando Bolas perdía el compás, olvidaba la letra o soltaba un gallo, y escuchaban al Joven Alejandro instruir melancólicamente al camionero sobre las misteriosas frases de sus canciones: ojos de rosicler, celajes rubios de amanecer, veneno que regaste un día, malvada mujer, con tu querer, en mi dolido corazón.
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