Traduzione per "geniality" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The spirit of Geneva, that geniality that permits us to differ in the meeting and then to break bread together thereafter, also has a positive contribution to make.
El espíritu de Ginebra, esa afabilidad que nos permite discrepar durante la sesión y luego compartir la misma mesa puede contribuir a mejorar las cosas.
He smiled genially.
Sonrió con afabilidad—.
The man smiled genially.
El hombre sonrió con afabilidad.
That geniality was not faked, but it was exaggerated.
Esa afabilidad no era fingida, pero sí exagerada.
All was geniality and amazing confidence.
Todo era afabilidad y completa confianza.
Faustus went along with it genially.
Fausto le siguió la corriente con afabilidad.
Wray regained his geniality immediately.
Wray recobró su afabilidad inmediatamente.
            “Go ahead,” said Porus, genially.
—Adelante —dijo Porus con afabilidad—.
            Some of the geniality left the Rigellian’s face.
El rostro del rigeliano perdió algo de su afabilidad.
he asked in a genial way. "Broke de table?"
—preguntó con afabilidad—. ¿Romper mesa?
demanded Mr. Ogden with somewhat forced geniality.
—replicó míster Ogden con una afabilidad algo forzada—.
The virtues of womanhood are not about talents and ability, but about composure and geniality.
Las virtudes de la mujer no son acerca de... talentos y habilidad, si no serenidad y simpatía.
said Caesar genially.
– le instó César con simpatía-.
Jason said, all geniality.
-Claro -dijo Jason, todo simpatía.
“And so if I am?” said Boris genially.
—¿Y qué si lo soy? —dijo Boris con simpatía.
"Well, well," said Caesar genially.
–Vaya, vaya -dijo César con simpatía-.
She didn’t want any more of his geniality, his good intentions, his puzzling and striving.
Estaba harta de su simpatía, de sus buenas intenciones, de sus problemas y sus esfuerzos.
His untiring professional geniality rivalled even Roddy’s remorseless charm of manner.
Su infatigable simpatía profesional rivalizaba incluso con el encanto que difundía sin el menor empacho Roddy.
“My dear fellow,” the Abbé put in, with a slightly forced geniality, “your plain speaking doesn’t shock me in the least.
—Su cinismo no me asusta, mi querido amigo —dijo el abate, forzando un poco su simpatía—.
‘Good morning…’ she replied, in a tone which the pleasantness of my own voice, and the hesitation I had suffered at the foot of the davenport, had forced her to make neutral, waiting to see if my genial manner were genuine, waiting to see which way I was going to jump.
—Buenos días —replicó con un tono al que la suavidad de mi voz y mi aire de duda, cuando me detuve junto al sillón, habían forzado a ser neutral, mientras ella aguardaba para ver si mi actitud amable era verdadera, mientras estudiaba cuál sería el camino elegido por mí.
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