Traduzione per "former tenant" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
This afternoon we were on the scene, speaking with relatives of former tenants and friends, and we switch to that report now.
Esta tarde estábamos en el lugar, hablando con familiares y amigos de ex-inquilinos. Ahora veamos ese informe.
People tend to think that parrots understand nothing of what is said to them, which is why Jerry, a former tenant at Hacienda Way, had thought it funny to teach his bird the sentence “I don’t understand what they’ve made me say.”
En general, se piensa que los loros no entienden nada de lo que se les hace repetir, razón por la cual, Jerry, un ex inquilino de Hacienda Way, había encontrado divertido enseñarle al suyo la frase: «No entiendo nada de lo que me hacen decir».
Under the terms of the Consent Decree, the defendants must pay $525,000 to 19 households, hire an independent management company to operate the rental properties, post and publish a nondiscrimination policy, and correct the rental records of several former tenants against whom defendants filed unlawful detainer actions.
En virtud de la sentencia convenida, los demandados debían pagar 525.000 dólares a 19 familias, contratar a una compañía gestora independiente para administrar las propiedades en alquiler, formular y publicar una política no discriminatoria, y corregir los historiales de alquiler de varios antiguos inquilinos contra los que los demandados habían iniciado ilegalmente procedimientos de desahucio.
The former tenants had to move suddenly.
Los antiguos inquilinos han tenido que mudarse repentinamente
I like the former tenant's taste.
Me gusta el gusto del antiguo inquilino.
The former tenant had already moved.
El antiguo inquilino ya se había trasladado.
A former tenant stashed some stolen gold in this house.
Un antiguo inquilino escondió oro en esta casa.
Anyway, the former tenant is not dead yet.
En cualquier caso, la antigua inquilina no ha fallecido aún.
Yes, she was the former tenant but she died a few months ago.
Sí, era la antigua inquilina, pero falleció hace unos meses.
You're the former tenant of 240 Park Street?
¿Es la antigua inquilina de la calle Park 240?
- I'm looking for a former tenant here.
-Estoy buscando a un antiguo inquilino.
Perhaps you could think of ma as a former tenant.
Tal vez podría pensar en mí como en un antiguo inquilino.
And none of the former tenants or workers have criminal records.
Y ninguno de los antiguos inquilinos o trabajadores tienen antecedentes criminales.
The former tenant had been an amphetamine dealer.
El antiguo inquilino era un camello de anfetaminas.
The inner room had a rickety table and a dark-coloured sofa, evidently left by a former tenant.
La habitación interior tenía una mesa destartalada y un sofá obscuro, abandonados evidentemente allí por un antiguo inquilino.
And yet this act of his taking up residence within those roomy chambers while he, their former tenant, lived in a cottage, galled Henchard indescribably.
Y, sin embargo, saber que ocupaba aquellas amplias habitaciones mientras él, el antiguo inquilino, estaba viviendo en una casucha amargó a Henchard hasta un grado indescriptible.
Still, when she got back and found out that the girl the police were looking for looked astonishingly like her former tenant, she didn’t call them. “I couldn’t be completely sure that it was her.
Cuando a su regreso se enteró de que la chica a la que buscaban se parecía muchísimo a su antigua inquilina, no llamó a la policía, no podía saber que se trataba de ella, si lo hubiera imaginado, evidentemente les habría llamado.
In one corner they saw a ladder reaching to a trap-door in the ceiling, which evidently led to the roof of the building, and two or three feet below the ceiling and running entirely across the end of the room where the ladder arose was a false ceiling, which formed a tiny loft just below the roof-beams, a place utilized by former tenants as a storage room.
En un rincón vieron una escalera que llegaba hasta una trampilla en el techo, que evidentemente conducía al tejado del edificio, y a treinta o cuarenta centímetros debajo del techo, y yendo de un lado a otro de la habitación donde estaba la escalera, había un falso techo que formaba un pequeño desván justo debajo de las vigas del techo, un lugar utilizado por los antiguos inquilinos como almacén.
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