Traduzione per "foreplayed" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
She taught me all about foreplay.
- Ella me enseño todo sobre los preludios sexuales.
Until then, I ain't never done foreplay before.
- Antes entonces, no había tenido preludios sexulaes.
Consider this foreplay!
Considera esto como el preludio!
Mike, enough with the foreplay.
Mike, suficiente preludio.
But enough foreplay.
Pero basta de preludio.
Foreplay, you know.
El preludio amoroso.
I prefer to call that foreplay.
Prefiero llamarlo preludio.
Nothing but foreplay.
Sólo el preludio.
foreplay. For a long, long time.
Un preludio larguísimo.
But then again, who needs foreplay when you're jacking' off?
- Pero, quién necesita preludios cuando te están restregando?
She glowered the same way at everybody, but her genuine ill humor had special meaning for Tree, who mistook it for foreplay.
Ella lanzaba las mismas miradas furiosas a todo el mundo, pero su auténtico mal humor tenía un significado especial para Tree, que lo interpretaba erróneamente como un preludio de algo.
Dread had held his own excitement at bay for almost an hour, a prolonged foreplay that had pitched him to places that even the music in his head could only approximate.
Miedo llevaba una hora al menos conteniendo la excitación, un prolongado preludio que le elevaba a alturas donde la música de su cabeza sólo lograba aproximarse.
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