Traduzione per "flat-fish" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Its for other hungry creatures. I suddenly grew tired at the prospect of the jigsaw puzzle, walked to the boathouse and fetched one of my flat-fish nets, sat down in the kitchen and started to repair it.
Es para otros. De repente, el rompecabezas empezó a aburrirme. Bajé al cobertizo, rebusqué hasta encontrar una de las viejas redes de platija y me senté con ella en la cocina, dispuesto a remendarla.
Whenever we stepped on some kind of flat fish, a flounder or turbot or, much more rarely, a sole, the creature began to jerk and twitch and wriggle, and Hilke would yell and squeak whenever it was she who had found the fish by stepping on it.
Hasta que de repente algo nos golpeaba, se agitaba o se arqueaba a nuestro lado: una platija, un rodaballo o, en contadas ocasiones, un lenguado. Hilke chillaba y daba grititos cada vez que descubría un pez y trataba de inmovilizarlo.
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