Traduzione per "feete" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The chiliarch had tried to hand me my fee instead of casting it on the ground at my feet (as is customary), and I had had to dissuade him for the sake of his own reputation.
El chiliarca había intentado darme mis honorarios en la mano en lugar de arrojarlos a mis pies como es la costumbre, y tuve que disuadirlo en nombre de su propia reputación.
She trusts their uniforms, their overalls, and their diplomas, and above all the fact that their expertise can be accessed only with money. She’s always won over by loquacious doctors with gray sideburns who write with gold pens, shuffle technical terms like cards, and can check her lymph nodes with their eyes closed, but she doesn’t throw herself at their feet until she receives the signed, sealed bill for their services; when the diagnosis, treatment, and soft parting pat on the shoulder have been reduced to a number, no matter how inflated it is—the higher the better.
Confía en los uniformes, los guardapolvos, los diplomas universitarios, pero sobre todo en la medida en que accede a esas expertises por la mediación del dinero. La seducen los médicos locuaces, de patillas canosas, que escriben con plumas de oro, barajan tecnicismos como naipes y saben palparle los ganglios a ciegas, pero recién se rinde a sus pies cuando recibe la factura de sus honorarios firmada y sellada, cuando el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y la suave palmada en el hombro con que la despiden se reducen a una cifra, no importa lo elevada que sea, cuanto más alta mejor.
That's 30 feet, straight down.
Eso son 30 piés de profundidad.
Wow! It's got a gazillion feets.
Es un cien piés.
Oy, my feet are killing me.
¡Me duelen tanto los piés!
Seven, maybe eight feet.
Siete, quizá ocho piés.
Do you have flat feet?
¿Tienes piés planos?
- Get off my feet!
- ¡Fuera de mis piés!
Her feet hurt.
Le dolían los piés.
I just want to wash your feet.
Quiero lavarte los piés.
Don't get your feet wet.
No te mojes los piés.
When I spotted it, the range was about five hundred feet and closing slowly.
Cuando lo localicé, se hallaba a la distancia de unos quinientos piés, y se acercaba lentamente.
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