Traduzione per "feet or less" a spagnolo
Feet or less
Esempi di traduzione.
I-I'd say 400 feet or less.
I-yo diría 400 pies o menos.
50 feet or less between each one.
50 pies o menos entre cada una.
“I can’t even see my feet, much less wash them.”
—Ni siquiera puedo verme los pies, mucho menos lavármelos.
The ground was bare earth, beat­en flat by the pres­sure of mil­li­ons of feet, even though those feet had less weight than feath­ers;
El suelo era de tierra, aplastada por la presión de millones de pies, aunque esos pies pesaran menos que plumas.
His brother had never killed a man in his life, still less a beaten man kneeling at his feet—still less the King’s nephew, a fellow knight of the Round Table, and the son of a king.
Nunca había matado a un hombre, y menos aún a un caballero derrotado, arrodillado a sus pies… y menos aún a un sobrino del rey, un caballero de la Tabla Redonda e hijo de un monarca.
the extensile penis, classically compact in repose (with pronounced prepuce), the thighs as solid as hewn masts, the kneecaps square, the calves Michelangelan, the feet hardly less pliant and shapely than the great tentacled blades of the hands.
el pene extensible, menudo (como es normal) en reposo, y de pronunciado prepucio, los muslos sólidos como mástiles labrados, las rodillas cuadradas, las pantorrillas miguelangelianas, los pies algo menos flexibles y bien formados que las grandes aspas tentaculadas de las manos.
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