Traduzione per "fear her" a spagnolo
Fear her
Esempi di traduzione.
How foolish she has been to love and fear her so.
Qué estúpida ha sido al amarla y temerla tanto.
They would learn to fear her, and they would know her by her name.
Aprenderían a temerla y la conocerían por su nombre.
It disturbed him that he had a reason to fear her now.
Le inquietaba tener ahora motivos para temerla.
Except Jahan. He was too besotted with her to remember to fear her.
Con la excepción de Jahan. Él estaba demasiado enamorado de ella para acordarse de temerla.
Dread, after all, was a pale-haired goddess, and she didn’t have to fear her anymore.
Después de todo, el pavor era una diosa de cabello pálido, y ella ya no tendría que temerle.
How many of them knew the ocean so intimately, savoring her without resentment, gradually learning not to fear her?
¿Cuántos la conocían tan de cerca, saboreándola sin resquemor, aprendiendo poco a poco a no temerla?
Even their stepmother seemed to fear her, unable to boss her around any longer, uncomfortable in her presence.
Incluso su madrastra parecía temerla, incapaz de darle órdenes e incómoda en su presencia.
She did not preach, she did not incite, as Savonarola had done, but he began to fear her nonetheless.
Catalina no predicaba, no incitaba a actitud alguna, como hiciera Savonarola, pero, pese a ello, Ludovico empezó a temerla.
The younger ones especially would bare their teeth and chitter at her, or simply run away.The humans grew to fear her as well.
Los más jóvenes, especialmente, le enseñaban los dientes y le aullaban amenazadoramente, o simplemente huían de su lado. Los humanos también empezaron a temerla.
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