Traduzione per "express as to" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
To express its opinion
Expresar su opinión.
to express their views
a expresar sus opiniones
Encouraging the expression of anger and pain;
- Ayudar a expresar la rabia y el dolor;
Opportunity to express their views;
* La oportunidad de expresar sus opiniones;
Assistance to express their views;
* Ayuda para expresar sus opiniones;
(a) Express its views on the report;
a) Expresar su opinión sobre el informe;
To be able to express the child's views
A poder expresar sus opiniones
:: Express their views freely;
:: Expresar sus opiniones libremente;
It is hard to express.
Es difícil de expresar.
There was nothing there that expressed a personality.
No había nada en él que expresara su personalidad.
Expressing one’s true self…”
Expresar nuestro propio yo…
they cannot express the formless.
no pueden expresar lo informe.
To drink is to express virtue.
Beber es expresar virtud.
All that was difficult to express.
No era fácil expresar todo aquello.
How to express the inexpressible...?
¿Cómo expresar lo inexp…?
And I have a right to express that opinion.
Y de expresar mi opinión.
He tried to express his anger, but he always found it easier to express his sorrow.
Intentaba expresar su ira, pero siempre le resultaba más fácil expresar el dolor.
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