Traduzione per "expose themselves" a spagnolo
Expose themselves
Esempi di traduzione.
My clients don't expose themselves that way.
Mis clientes no querrán exponerse tanto.
They knew how to communicate without exposing themselves.
Sabían cómo comunicarse sin exponerse.
By exposing themselves they prompted heavier fire from the Arikara.
Al exponerse provocaron más disparos de los arikara.
Why expose themselves to destruction and the whole undertaking to failure?
¿Por qué exponerse ellos a la destrucción y toda la empresa al fracaso?
- They know we have firearms and they won't want to expose themselves.
Saben que poseemos armas de fuego y no querrán exponerse.
They were splitting up now, doing their due diligence before exposing themselves.
Acababan de dividirse, para tantear el terreno antes de exponerse.
Badgertail's people dared not expose themselves to that constant barrage.
Los hombres de Cola de Tejón no se habían atrevido a exponerse a la constante lluvia de flechas.
It was as if the boar sensed the danger that they were about to expose themselves to.
Era como si el jabalí notara el peligro al que estaban a punto de exponerse porque incrementó los gruñidos.
It was easy when everyone did the same, exposing themselves for the quick high.
Era sencillo cuando todo el mundo hacía lo mismo, exponerse para lograr un subidón rápido.
They took a great risk, exposing themselves to help save the people aboard the soulcraft.
Asumieron un gran riesgo al exponerse para salvar a la gente a bordo de la nave de almas.
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