Traduzione per "evening walk" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
51. Mr. Ram Roop had been taken away by police while out on an evening walk - he had not gone to the police of his own accord.
51. Al Sr. Ram Roop se lo llevó la policía cuando había salido a darse un paseo por la tarde: no fue a la policía por iniciativa propia.
Tyler had completed before setting out on his evening walk had begun:
Tyler había concluido justo antes de salir a dar su paseo de la tarde empezaba así:
Tyler had completed before setting out on his evening walk had begun: Sirs,
Tyler había concluido justo antes de salir a dar su paseo de la tarde empezaba así: Señores,
As they take an evening walk, Mel is going to give Will a key, and tell him that there are papers he wants him to know about, in the event anything happens to him.
Mientras den su paseo de la tarde, Mel dará una llave a Will y le dirá que hay unos papeles de los que debe tener conocimiento, por si a él llegara a pasarle algo.
They were now taking their evening walk. From time to time there was a rumble of thunder in the sky, and the still evening air was churned up every few minutes by little flurries of wind.
Era la hora del paseo de la tarde. Se oían, en alguna parte del cielo, ruidos de truenos y, en el aire inmóvil, pasaban de pronto breves borrascas.
Although we never recaptured the strange closeness—the almost uncharacteristic closeness—that Nice had previously bestowed on us, we did manage an evening walk or two, when Owen would catch my hand in his, or lay his arm around my shoulders, and when the middle years fell away from us and we felt that we had not done too badly after all.
A pesar de que no recuperamos la extraña cercanía —una cercanía casi inusitada— que Niza nos regaló en el primer viaje, conseguimos dar un par de paseos por la tarde en los que Owen me cogía de la mano o me pasaba el brazo por los hombros, y en esos ratos los años intermedios se esfumaban y teníamos la sensación de que al fin y al cabo no lo habíamos hecho tan mal.
George is taking his evening walk.
George esta realizando su caminata nocturna.
I was missing Ayşe and Istanbul, when I found myself unexpectedly thinking about my evening walks to Öngören with Master Mahmut.
Estaba pensando en Ayşe y en Estambul, añorándolos, cuando de repente, de forma totalmente inesperada, acudieron a mi mente aquellas caminatas nocturnas con Mahmut Usta hasta Öngören.
..Hari didn't come to this secluded spot for an evening walk.
..Hari No vino a este lugar apartado para un paseo nocturno.
I'm going for my evening walk, the one I used to take with Dexter.
Voy a dar mi paseo nocturno, el que yo solía dar con Dexter.
Was this the first time you were enough afraid to allow a man to take you home from one of your evening walks?
¿Era la primera vez que estaba tan asustada... que dejó que un hombre la llevara a casa tras sus paseos nocturnos?
His late-evening walk had taken him in a semicircle.
Su paseo nocturno le había llevado en un semicírculo.
It was on one of our evening walks that we stopped off at the corner stationery store, where they served ice cream and sodas, to get cigarettes.
En uno de nuestros paseos nocturnos nos detuvimos en la papelería de la esquina, donde también vendían helados y refrescos, para comprar cigarrillos.
Sometimes she took Jack for an evening walk after setting out the food, and normally he had fallen asleep by the time she came home.
De vez en cuando, ella daba un paseo nocturno con Jack después de preparar la comida y, normalmente, él ya se había quedado dormido cuando ella regresaba a casa.
Anything she could find to do was welcomed at this time, even if it was no more than an evening walk with someone else. She had brought them to this pass.
Últimamente, cualquier cosa, por insignificante que fuese, que ella decidiera hacer, era bien recibida. Aunque no fuese más que un paseo nocturno en compañía de otra persona.
Save for an evening walk or a late return from Ulaanbaatar, neither Borjin nor his sister were seldom seen after ten o’clock.
salvo por algún ocasional paseo nocturno o un tardío regreso de Ulan Bator, no era frecuente que vieran a Borjin ni a su hermana pasadas las diez de la noche.
It was such a natural and familiar thing for Nicola to take this evening walk that her anxieties left her, and by the time they reached their destination and Troy herself opened the door to them, she felt nothing but pleasure in their expedition.
Era una cosa tan familiar y natural para Nicola el dar este paseo nocturno, que dejó de sentir ansiedad y para cuando llegaron a su destino y la misma Troy les abrió la puerta, se sintió muy complacida por haber venido.
As the dog was sitting in the only comfortable chair, they were obliged to crouch round the fire and soon took their leave, for Mrs. Lovell had to put the children to bed and Mr. Lovell to take Snowball for his evening walk.
Mientras que el perro estaba sentado en la única silla cómoda que había, ellos se vieron obligados a agacharse junto al fuego y no tardaron en irse, ya que la señora Lovell tenía que acostar a los niños y el señor Lovell debía sacar a Snowball a dar su paseo nocturno.
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