Traduzione per "even attempt" a spagnolo
Even attempt
Esempi di traduzione.
The inspection team even attempted to realize its unreasonable demand, saying that "we cannot believe the integrity of the one-year-old seals", even though the original seals which they had placed last August remained unbroken on the inlet/outlet valves of the tank.
El equipo de inspección incluso intentó justificar sus poco razonables exigencias diciendo que no podían creer "en la integridad de precintos de un año de antigüedad", aun cuando los precintos originales que ellos habían colocado el pasado mes de agosto seguían intactos en las válvulas de entrada y salida del depósito.
When its wrongdoings and lies had been denounced in China, the Falun Gong had set about spreading false information and rumours of persecution. It had even attempted to overthrow the Government and to sabotage the Beijing Olympic Games.
Cuando se denunciaron sus desmanes y mentiras en China, Falun Gong comenzó a difundir rumores de persecución e información falsa, e incluso intentó derrocar al Gobierno y sabotear los Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing.
Seul even attempted suicide.
Seul incluso intentó suicidarse.
One of the scientists even attempted to meld with them.
Uno de nuestros científicos incluso intentó unir su mente con ellas.
And if I see you even attempt a high five, the deal is off.
Y si veo que incluso intenta un máximo de cinco, no hay trato.
In Serbia has never been any real debate on the EU's and even attempt to start such a debate would be sentenced from the very beginning as an anti-European.
En Serbia, nunca fue un verdadero debate sobre la UE e incluso intenta iniciar el tal debate sería condenado desde el principio como anti-europeos.
She looked at him, reached out and touched his hand, even attempted a smile.
Debbie le miró, alargó la mano y tocó la de Web, e incluso intentó sonreír.
He even attempted to stiffen to attention as he said it, but staggered drunkenly to one side after a moment.
Incluso intentó cuadrarse mientras lo decía, pero se tambaleó hacia un lado al cabo de un momento.
I will remind the Council that Ventress even attempted a rescue mission at a later point, but failed to recover Vos.
Debo recordar al Consejo que Ventress incluso intentó una misión de rescate más adelante, pero no logró recuperar a Vos.
He could have pictured all sorts of dramatic possibilities—sudden outbursts of insanity, even attempts at murder.
Podía imaginarse toda clase de po­sibilidades dramáticas —ataques repentinos de locura, incluso intentos de asesinato—.
And Rowena, robbed of her memory, had grown to love him, had even attempted suicide when she learned of his death.
Y Rowena, que había perdido la memoria, había llegado a amarlo; incluso intentó suicidarse cuando se enteró de su muerte.
At the beginning of the family rift, Alma had even attempted to offer money to her sister, but Prudence, not surprisingly, had refused it.
Al comienzo de la disputa familiar, Alma incluso intentó ofrecer dinero a su hermana, pero Prudence, como era de prever, lo rechazó.
There he became a communist, he even attempted to slip into Spain at the time of the Civil War, but the Party ordered him to stay where he was and organise a Party cell of foreign students at the Paris School of Architecture.
En París, se hizo comunista, incluso intentó pasar a España durante la guerra civil, pero el partido le ordenó quedarse donde estaba para organizar una célula de estudiantes extranjeros en su facultad, la de arquitectura.
It can be imagined that my close intimacy with Sherlock Holmes had interested me deeply in crime, and that after his disappearance I never failed to read with care the various problems which came before the public. And I even attempted, more than once, for my own private satisfaction, to employ his methods in their solution, though with indifferent success.
Como podrán imaginarse, mi estrecha relación con Sherlock Holmes había despertado en mí un profundo interés por el delito v, aun después de su desaparición, nunca dejé de leer con atención los diversos misterios que salían a la luz pública e, incluso, intenté más de una vez, por pura satisfacción personal, aplicar sus métodos para tratar de solucionarlos, aunque sin resultados dignos de mención.
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