Traduzione per "eat food" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
The younger generation is accustomed to eating foods of all the ethnic groups in Guyana, and does not feel as constrained as their elders with respect to ethnic dress or music.
Las generaciones más jóvenes están acostumbradas a comer alimentos de todos los grupos étnicos de Guyana, y se sienten menos obligadas que las generaciones de sus mayores a seguir las tradiciones étnicas en lo que respecta al modo de vestir y la música.
Please eat food that you like, you will soon get better.
Por favor, comer alimentos que te gusta, no tardará en conseguir mejor.
Later, we went to a restaurant to eat food.
Más tarde, nos fuimos a un restaurante comer alimentos.
All right, but you need to eat food.
Es necesario comer alimentos.
Anyway, I like to eat food.
De todos modos, me gusta comer alimentos.
Everybody should be able to eat food like this.
Todo el mundo debería ser capaz de comer alimentos como esto.
So you're not allowed to eat food from neighboring states?
Así que uno no tiene derecho a comer alimentos de los estados vecinos?
Should I eat food tasted by you?
¿Tengo que comer alimentos degustados por ti?
And they're like, "you don't know how to eat food.
Y son como, " no sabe cómo comer alimentos
- I won't eat food cooked by your wife.
¿Por qué? - No voy a comer alimentos cocinados por tu esposa.
You also thought you couldn't eat food that's been stepped on.
También pensó que no podía comer alimentos que se ha pisado.
He seemed to regard it with a kind of wonder, and it hit me that eating food was still a new thing for him after these last few months.
Parecía considerarlo como una especia de maravilla, y me di cuenta de que comer alimentos aún era cosa nueva para él después de estos últimos meses.
To walk where a sun shined, to wear cloth again, experience central heating, eat food prepared by a chef, to be among . people again.
Andar por una tierra donde brillara el sol, vestir otra vez ropa, sentir lo que era una calefacción central, comer alimentos preparados por un chef, volver a estar entre… personas.
Age at time of death, which Erica placed between eighty and ninety, was determined by looking at the teeth, which were worn down nearly to the jaw, indicating a lifetime of eating food contaminated with coarse sand and dirt.
La edad en el momento de la muerte, que Erica calculaba entre ochenta y noventa años, se estimó examinando los dientes, erosionados casi hasta la mandíbula por una vida entera de comer alimentos cubiertos de tierra y arena gruesa.
'Botulism, an illness you get from eating food that's gone off, or from canned food that hasn't been properly prepared, haven't you ever heard of it?' This was one etymology I did know and so I let him have it, possibly to repay him for the lecturing tone he had used on me.
Del botulismo, ya sabes. —Seguía mirándome con expresión muy ignara—. El botulismo, esa enfermedad que se coge al comer alimentos en mal estado, o conservas mal envasadas, ¿no has oído hablar de eso?
I'll never eat food again. I'll just...
Nunca volveré a comer comida.
Or to eat foods with gluten..
O a comer comidas con gluten...
Eat food with other people.
Comer comida, con otras personas.
I need to eat food.
Necesito comer comida.
Do I... do I wanna eat food?
¿Que si... quiero ir a comer comida?
- What, you think you even want to eat food?
- ¿Crees que quieres comer comida?
I prefer to eat food.
Prefiero comer comida.
- You're eating food.
- Comerás comida de verdad.
Do you wanna go eat food?
¿Quieres ir a comer comida?
If she spat her food out, Sandy signed No Jennie eat food.
Si escupía la comida, él le decía: No, Jennie comer comida.
However—Get along now, and fetch something to eat. Food.” He pointed to his mouth.
Bueno… Anda, tráeme algo de comer. Comida. Señaló su boca.
Where we could get food, and eat food, a lot of food, and quick.
Dónde podríamos conseguir comida, y comer comida, mucha comida, y rápido.
After a time, they eat food, pulpy mashes and seastuff mainly. That’s Pei’ans.
Tras un tiempo, empiezan a comer comida, principalmente pulpa de frutas y de moluscos marinos. Así son los pei’anos.
‘Well,’ Suruj Mooma said, ‘eat philosophy at your house and come and eat food here.’
—Vale —dijo la mooma de Suruj—. Comes filosofía en tu casa y te vienes a comer comida aquí.
Jennie would sign back Bad food, bad food, like this, and Sandy would respond Jennie shut up, no spit food, eat food.
Entonces Jennie contestaba por signos: Comida mala, comida mala, así, y Sandy respondía: Jennie callar, no escupir comida, comer comida.
It hates the twin for it will never be the twin, but it needs the twin for it cannot eat food, or drink water as it has no throat, and teeth grow anywhere, even above the eye. Parasite.
El ibeji maligno odia a su gemelo porque nunca será ese gemelo, pero al mismo tiempo lo necesita porque no puede comer comida ni beber agua ya que no tiene garganta, y los dientes le crecen en cualquier lado, incluso encima del ojo.
Coupling that with his dislike for fish had given rise to the little speech she’d listened politely to him give on numerous occasions, a pseudo-justification that he thought was witty for his eating choices: "You should only eat food that’s as evolved as you are.
Eso y el asco que le daba el pescado eran la causa del discurso que ella, pacientemente, le escuchaba dar con frecuencia, una pseudojustificación que él creía ingeniosa para sus hábitos alimenticios. —Sólo hay que comer comida tan evolucionada como uno.
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