Traduzione per "dry it" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Always pat it dry and don’t rub it.
Sécalo suavemente y no te lo rasques.
Dave, dry him off and send him back.
Dave, sécalo y mándalo de vuelta.
“Wash the blade in river water,” I ordered her, “and dry it on a dead man’s cloak.”
¡Lava la hoja en el río —le ordené— y sécala con la capa de alguno de los muertos!
And you helped dry.
Y me ayudaste a secarlos.
“Then we’ve got to get it dry.
Luego tenemos que secarlo.
and together they began drying him off.
—Y comienzan a secarlo.
Drying it or salting it didn't help.
Salarla o secarla no servía de nada.
There was no hope of drying anything out.
No había ninguna posibilidad de secarla.
They'll need drying. Now go.'
Habrá que secarlas. Ahora, ve.
How would I squeeze it dry?
Pero ¿cómo la escurriré para secarla?».
I squeezed the tube until it was sucked dry.
Estrujé el tubo hasta secarlo.
Drying moccasins had to be done just right.
Los mocasines había que secarlos bien.
Drain him dry if you have to.
Drénalo hasta secarlo si es necesario.
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