Traduzione per "dishonorably" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
You were dishonorably discharged from the Army, Daniyal.
Fue licenciado deshonrosamente del Ejército, Daniyal.
You were dishonorably discharged.
Fue licenciado deshonrosamente.
He always conducted himself with dishonor.
Siempre se condujo deshonrosamente.
We'd be dishonorably discharged, two careers ruined.
Seríamos deshonrosamente despedidos, dos carreras arruinadas.
I also killed dishonorably.
También maté deshonrosamente.
And dishonorably discharged.
Y dado de baja, deshonrosamente.
Not when it reflects dishonorably upon my command.
No cuando se refleja deshonrosamente a mi mando.
I'm going to get dishonorably discharged.
Voy a ser dada de baja deshonrosamente.
He was dishonorably discharged for torturing Iraqi civilians.
Lo retiraron deshonrosamente por torturar civiles irquíes.
- Says here you were dishonorably discharged?
¿Aquí dice que fuiste deshonrosamente despedido?
I’d been dishonorably discharged, this time for teaching campmates an immoral song.
Me habían despedido deshonrosamente, esta vez por enseñarles a mis compañeros de campamento una canción inmoral.
When he had not confessed in a week, he was stripped of his uniform and excused from service, dishonorably.
Cuando al cabo de una semana aún no había confesado, lo despojaron del uniforme y lo expulsaron deshonrosamente del ejército.
I should shame my family, my fellow knights, all of Texcala, if I returned dishonorably alive.
Avengonzaría a mi familia, a mis compañeros campeones, a todo Quautexcalan, si yo regresara deshonrosamente vivo.
“Believe me, Julilla, whatever it was you felt that made you behave so shabbily and dishonorably, it was not love,” said Caesar, and stood up.
–Créeme, Julilla, eso que te ha hecho comportarte tan injusta y deshonrosamente no es amor -dijo César, poniéndose en pie-.
Earned hard and given true, it is not our way to strip a Blackguard—even an honorary one—of his name if he hasn’t forfeited the right to it by acting dishonorably.
Si es bien ganado y se lo reconoce, no es nuestra manera de despojar a un guardia negro —incluso honorario— de su nombre si no ha perdido el derecho a él al actuar deshonrosamente.
Not satisfied with that, in a disgraceful affront to my dignity, he had this shameful work given to me as a model to be copied; and out of dire fear of Our Sultan, I dishonorably copied that picture which was made using infidel methods.
y luego me plantó delante aquella vergonzosa pintura para que tomara ejemplo y me obligó a hacer algo tan feo y tan indigno como reproducirla con todo detalle y yo, por miedo a Nuestro Sultán, copié deshonrosamente aquella pintura hecha a la manera de los infieles.
The change in me amazed him, stunned him, and he freed me—while I told him that in these first few hours of wifehood I wanted to be alone, and that he should come to me that evening, and that I would be waiting for him. And I smiled at him as I said these things, smiled while I wanted to kill him, and he went, a great, gloating, triumphant beast, believing that the obedience of wifehood was about to give him what he had expected to find through dishonor—and I was left alone. “I thought of only one thing then—escape. I saw the truth.
Este cambio mío le desconcertó, le dejó como de piedra, de suerte que me soltó cuando le dije que le agradecía que en aquellas primeras horas de mi día de bodas me dejara estar un poco sola, y que por la noche acudiera a encontrarme. Hablé sin dejar de sonreír, cuando lo que apetecía era matarle. Y me miró, como una gran bestia dominadora, seguro de que mi fidelidad matrimonial le iba a valer lo que tan innoble y deshonrosamente había procurado… y me dejó otra vez sola. Mary Standish no interrumpió más que momentáneamente su confesión: —No se me ocurrió más que huir.
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