Traduzione per "devilling" a spagnolo
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I guess I was just goin' on about singing' to devil mama.
Supongo que tan solo quería intentarlo por fastidiar a mama.
Sometimes it was fun to devil Portia.
A veces era divertido fastidiar a Portia.
The gossip was that he was sent East to devil Germanicus.
Se decía que lo habían enviado a Oriente para fastidiar a Germánico.
'You know I used to devil Anacleto by describing what I would do to him if I could get him into the service. You don't suppose the little rascal really believed me, do you?
–Ya sabéis cuánto me gustaba fastidiar a Anacleto diciéndole todo lo que iba a hacer con él si podía meterle en el ejército; pero espero que el pobre diablo no llegaría a creérselo, ¿verdad?
Sometimes, out of sheer meanness, they waxed store windows on Main Street because the big plate glass windows were such targets.) It made Rebecca nervous to see the Devil’s Night mischief in the unsparing light of morning.
A veces, por puras ganas de fastidiar, enceraban escaparates en Main Street porque las grandes extensiones de cristal eran un objetivo muy apetitoso.) Rebecca se puso nerviosa al ver las gamberradas de la noche del diablo a la implacable luz del día.
Although he was neither stupid nor inept – for in the question-and-answer sessions to which he was subjected for a whole month by all the teachers, from Guzzo to Krauss, from Bianchi to Razzetti, and ‘that one’ who taught history and philosophy, he had always defended himself tooth and nail (and, however reluctantly, even Mazzanti had been unable to award him a lower mark than five) – he left me free to unravel the knotty passages, dictate aloud whatever I decided was right, and when I’d finished, limiting himself – while he was still writing it down in his notebook in his big, neat, slightly angular, feminine hand – to exclamations of applause, such as ‘Bravo!’, ‘What a knockout!’ ‘I’ve never seen anyone translate Greek so well!’, ‘Lucky sod!’ How relaxing, I would say to myself, what an easy life it is for Luciano Pulga! What a difference between him, who never needed to contribute (in practice, it was I alone who translated, so that if my mother had approached on tiptoe to eavesdrop behind the door – nor was it impossible that she did so, as I had heard the parquet creak in the next room more than once – she would have heard only one voice holding forth, mine), what a difference between him and Otello, who, whenever he opened his mouth, it was to play the contrarian or devil’s advocate!
La verdad es que en el transcurso del mes, durante los interrogatorios a los que lo habían sometido todos los profesores—desde el mismo Guzzo hasta la Krauss, desde Bianchi hasta Razzetti, de historia y filosofía—siempre se había defendido con uñas y dientes (ni siquiera Mazzanti pudo ponerle jamás, por más que le fastidiara, menos de un cinco). Pero, aunque no era ni estúpido ni incapaz, me dejaba resolver las dificultades a mi aire, decir en voz alta lo que yo quisiera, limitándose a escribir en el cuaderno con su limpia, enorme y puntiaguda caligrafía femenina mientras lanzaba exclamaciones de aprobación o de respetuosa admiración, como «¡Bravo!», «¡Qué fenómeno!», «¡Nunca he visto a nadie traducir el griego como tú!», «¡Menuda suerte la tuya!» y cosas por el estilo. ¡Qué tranquilidad, qué descanso—pensaba yo—con Luciano Pulga! ¡Qué diferencia entre Otello y él, que no decía nunca ni palabra! Prácticamente, el único que traducía era yo, de manera que si mi madre se hubiera acercado de puntillas a fisgonear detrás de la puerta—no descartaba que lo hiciese: más de una vez había escuchado el crujido del parquet en la habitación de al lado—, apenas habría oído otra voz que la mía.
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