Traduzione per "counted upon" a spagnolo
Counted upon
Esempi di traduzione.
You could have counted upon our protection.
Hubiese usted contado con nuestra protección.
I did not count upon it.
No había contado con ello.
She had counted upon her mother’s understanding now and it must not fail.
La muchacha había contado con la comprensión de su madre, que no podía fallar.
what they have not counted upon is that our healers believe that they can, at least, control the disease’s spread, by separating the healthy from the ill, and above all by burning the dead.
pero no han contado con que nuestros curanderos creen que pueden, al menos, controlar el contagio de la enfermedad si separamos a los sanos de los enfermos y, sobre todo, si quemamos a los muertos.
She had counted upon his high humour of the preceding night and had been prepared to fall in with it if necessary, answer banter with banter, setting up no opposition to his will.
Ella había contado con su buen humor de la noche anterior, y estaba preparada para seguirle la corriente, contestando burla con burla, si era necesario, no oponiéndose a su voluntad.
When I told my mother what he had replied, she was near frantic, having counted upon the £26 13s. 4d. as a means of securing £500.
Cuando conté a mi madre lo que había respondido, ella se desesperó, ya que había contado con las 26 libras, 13 chelines y 4 peniques para poder conseguir las 500 libras.
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