Traduzione per "consisting of two parts" a spagnolo
Consisting of two parts
Esempi di traduzione.
The report will consist of two parts:
El informe consta de dos partes:
2. This report consists of two parts.
El presente informe consta de dos partes.
The study consists of two parts.
El estudio consta de dos partes.
The head of a comet consists of two parts. The solid nucleus and the glowing coma.
La cabeza de un cometa consta de dos partes: el núcleo sólido y el coma resplandeciente.
A hadith consists of two parts: the matn (the text) and the isnad, the chain of its transmitters that determines its reliability.
Un hadith consta de dos partes: matn (el texto) e isnad, la cadena de sus transmisores, que determina su fiabilidad.
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