Traduzione per "coastal defences" a spagnolo
Coastal defences
Esempi di traduzione.
Bofors Mobile Coastal Defence Gun m/80
Cañón móvil de defensa costera Bofors m/80
Beach Camp Coastal Defence, Gaza (Netherlands)
Defensa costera del campamento Beach, Gaza (Países Bajos)
Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels
Buques de defensa costera
Kingston Class MM (Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels)
Clase Kingston MM (buques de defensa costera marítima)
WAILING OF AIR RAID SIRENS 'The enemy again and again broke through the coastal defences.'
El enemigo una y otra vez atraviesa las defensas costeras.
RADIO: The government insists that no further funds can be found for coastal defence.
El Gobierno insiste en que no hay más fondos para la defensa costera.
The coastal defences open fire, but they all fall short.
Las defensas costeras abren fuego pero no alcanzan.
In which case we must continue to look to our coastal defences and favour the Emperor.
En tal caso debemos continuar velando por nuestras defensas costeras y buscar el favor del Emperador.
Did you have a report to make on the coastal defences?
¿No tienes que hacer un informe sobre Ias defensas costeras?
They would come next spring or early summer and try to break through the coastal defences before the autumn storms.
Vendría durante la próxima primavera o a principios de verano e intentaría abrirse paso entre las defensas costeras antes de las tormentas del otoño.
He felt a new confidence in himself, and his new job – Inspector General of Coastal Defences between Marseille and Nice – promised to be interesting.
Sentía una confianza distinta en sí mismo, y su nueva función -inspector general de las defensas costeras entre Marsella y Niza- prometía ser interesante.
They had ploughed their way through the flak put up by the coastal defences and dog-legged faithfully along the flight plan over occupied territory before making it through the thick belt of searchlights that girdled the Ruhr.
Se habían abierto paso entre el fuego de artillería de las defensas costeras y seguido fielmente el ángulo del plan de vuelo sobre territorio ocupado antes de atravesar la ancha franja de reflectores que rodeaba la cuenca del Ruhr.
(“Sea,” he said to an ecstatic Lucky.) If you could manage to ignore the trappings of coastal defence all around them (difficult, admittedly) it might have seemed a normal activity for a couple on a summer’s day.
(«Mar», le dijo a un extasiado Lucky). Si te las apañabas para ignorar la parafernalia de la defensa costera que te rodeaba por todas partes (difícil, había que reconocerlo), podría haber parecido una actividad normal para una pareja en un día de verano.
If three beacons were lit, however, it meant that the coastal defences needed reinforcements from further inland, and then the inland beacons were lit and the trained bands were to go quickly to their meeting points and march down to the coast.
Si se encendían tres almenaras, significaba que las defensas costeras requerían refuerzos del interior; a continuación se encendían las almenaras del interior y unos grupos de soldados adiestrados acudían apresuradamente a sus puntos de reunión y marchaban hacia la costa.
But when the Pope, at one point in his quarrel with Henry, had urged both Spain and her rival France to join forces and attack the heretic island, the king had decided he had better prepare himself and sent commissioners to inspect the coastal defences;
Pero cuando el Papa, durante su disputa con Enrique, había exhortado a España y a Francia, su rival, a que se unieran y atacaran la herética isla, el rey había decidido pertrecharse con la agresión y había enviado a unos emisarios a inspeccionar las defensas costeras.
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