Traduzione per "christian v" a spagnolo
Christian v
Esempi di traduzione.
In front of the statue of King Christian V, a boy with a blue scarf dangling to his knees was kissing a girl.
Delante de la estatua del rey Cristián V un chico con una bufanda azul que le colgaba hasta las rodillas estaba besando a una chica.
She led him out of the academy, into Kongens Nytorv, where the traffic was swirling around the statue of Christian V on horseback.
Greta lo sacó sin más de la Academia y lo llevó a Kongens Nytorv, donde el tráfico se agitaba en torno a la estatua ecuestre de Cristián V.
She shut her eyes and dreamed, somewhere in her future, of crossing the square of Kongens Nytorv, in the shadow of the statue of King Christian V, and the only person in the world who would stop and stare would be the handsome stranger whose heartswell would force him to touch Lili’s hand and profess his love.
Lili cerró los ojos y soñó, en algún lugar del futuro, que cruzaba la plaza del Kongens Nytorv, a la sombra de la estatua del rey Cristián V, y que la única persona en todo el mundo que se paraba a mirarla era un apuesto desconocido cuyo corazón lo forzaba a tomar la mano de Lili y declararle su amor.
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