Traduzione per "chilperic" a spagnolo
  • chilperico
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Daughter of the Burgundian king Chilperic, and wife of Clovis, king of the Franks.
Hija de Chilperico, rey de Borgoña, y esposa de Clodoveo, rey de los francos.
544) daughter of the Burgundian king Chilperic, and wife of Clovis, king of the Franks.
544), hija de Chilperico, rey de Borgoña, y esposa de Clodoveo, rey de los francos.
King Sigebert’s brother Chilperic was the King of the Western Franks and married Queen Brunhilda’s sister.
El hermano de Sigiberto, Chilperico, era el rey de los francos occidentales y se casó con la hermana de la Reina Brunilda.
When they had finished and Clothilde was clearing off the dishes, he went over to her and held her in his arms and said “Clotilda, daughter of the Burgundian king Chilperic, and wife of Clovis, king of the Franks.”
Cuando hubieron terminado y Clothilde empezó a limpiar la mesa, él la abrazó y le dijo: —Clotilde, hija de Chilperico, rey de Borgoña, y esposa de Clodoveo, rey de los francos.
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