Traduzione per "cause that is" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
There are just causes and unjust causes.
Hay causas justas y causas injustas.
Oh, 'cause that is- that's awesome.
Porque eso es- Eso es genial.
Cause that is what I do.
Porque eso es lo que hago.
cause that is weak sauce.
Porque eso es salsa floja.
Cause that is what you have coming!
¡Porque eso es lo que va a pasar!
Great job, seriously, 'cause that is delicious.
Gran trabajo, en serio, Porque eso es delicioso.
cause that is what you did yesterday.
Porque eso es lo que hiciste ayer.
So, I turned sideways, 'cause that is what you do.
Giré, porque eso es lo que haces.
Was there a cause of all causes?
¿Hubo una causa de todas las causas?
Was it a cause among other causes ?
¿Era una causa entre las causas?
Cause and effect, effect and cause
Causa y efecto, efecto y causa...
Cause and effect, cause and effect.
Causa y efecto, causa y efecto.
It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul.
Es la causa, es la causa, mi alma.
the cause of France is the cause of humanity;
la causa de Francia es la causa de la humanidad;
‘If I exist,’ he wrote, ‘there must be some cause of it, and a cause of causes.
«Si existo», escribió, «debe haber alguna causa de ello, y una causa de las causas.
            MOYERS: Not the first cause, but a higher cause?
MOYERS: ¿No a la causa primera, sino a una causa más alta?
There is no single cause or set of causes.
No existe una causa única ni un conjunto de causas.
I pledge to serve the cause that is just.
Prometo servir a la causa que es justa.
Causa que es un misterio.
The cause has a ground, but the ground no cause.
La causa tiene un fundamento, pero el fundamento no tiene causa.
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