Traduzione per "buy furniture" a spagnolo
Buy furniture
Esempi di traduzione.
Indeed, the Commission met with individuals who informed it that they had received compensation from Hezbollah, mainly an amount in cash in order to allow them to pay their rent and to buy furniture in another building.
En efecto, la Comisión se reunió con personas que le informaron de que habían recibido indemnizaciones de Hezbollah, principalmente una suma en metálico, a fin de poder pagar el alquiler en otro edificio y comprar muebles.
I haven't started buying furniture for it yet.
No he comenzado a comprar muebles todavía.
But I could never bring myself to buy furniture.
Pero nunca podría ir a comprar muebles.
- Maybe he's going to buy furniture.
Tal vez por fin vaya a comprar muebles.
Let's go buy furniture on our next day off.
Vayamos a comprar muebles en nuestro próximo día libre.
You can't buy furniture like this anymore.
Ya no puedes comprar muebles como estos.
He's gonna have to buy furniture.
Él va a tener que comprar muebles.
I didn't want to buy furniture until you were here.
No quise comprar muebles hasta que estuvieras aquí.
Um, buying furniture and, uh, what's the other one?
Um, comprar muebles y, uh, cual es la otra?
For 99 cents, you can buy furniture.
Por 99 centavos, puedes comprar muebles.
If we sell both of your rings, We could buy furniture.
Si vendemos vuestros anillos, podemos comprar muebles.
They needed to buy furniture, and find servants.
Necesitaban comprar muebles y buscar criados.
Would you buy furniture for just six months?
¿Comprar muebles para seis meses?
When I began to buy furniture, I did so carefully.
Cuando empecé a comprar muebles, lo hice con prolijidad.
Meanwhile she spent her days buying furniture and having it delivered to the house they’d rented.
Entretanto, dedicaba los días a comprar muebles y enviarlos a la casa que habían alquilado.
Christian said he was afraid of those things, renting an apartment, buying furniture, settling into a place.
Christian dijo que a él le daba miedo alquilar un piso, comprar muebles, instalarse.
Fernande began to buy furniture and have a servant and the servant of course made a soufflé.
Fernande comenzó a comprar muebles y contrató una sirvienta y la sirvienta sabía hacer suflés, claro está.
They wanted to buy furniture but did not want it delivered before the birth of the baby. “We’re a bit superstitious,” said the mother, speaking for the daughter. “I understand,”
Querían comprar muebles, pero que no se los entregaran antes del nacimiento del bebé. —Somos un poco supersticiosas —explicó la madre en nombre de la hija.
In different parts of the market you could buy furniture, arts and crafts, shoes, household goods, food, more or less anything that the shortages (and inflation) permitted.
En distintas partes del mercado se pueden comprar muebles, artesanía, zapatos, artículos domésticos, comida y más o menos lo que la escasez (y la inflación) permitían.
I'd been promising myself for some time that I was going to go buy furniture, a bureau or two maybe, bookshelves, some kind of table for beside the bed.
Llevaba tiempo prometiéndome que iría a comprar muebles, un escritorio o dos quizá, estanterías, algún tipo de mesilla para colocar al lado de la cama.
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