Traduzione per "bristle brush" a spagnolo
Bristle brush
Esempi di traduzione.
Bristle brush on the television set.
Sobre el televisor había un cepillo de cerdas.
She buffed the boots with a bristled brush, polishing the leather to a lustrous shine.
Frotaba las botas con un cepillo de cerdas hasta darles un brillo lustroso.
Standing at the laundry sink, he scrubbed his hands and forearms with soap and a soft-bristle brush.
De pie frente al fregadero, se lavó manos y antebrazos con jabón y un cepillo de cerdas blandas.
Napoleon would friction his chest and arms with a hard-bristled brush, while Constant did the same to his shoulders and back.
Napoleón se friccionaba el pecho y la espalda con un cepillo de cerdas duras y Constant hacía lo mismo sobre los hombros y la espalda.
Before he got home, he’d scrub his hands ruthlessly with a bristle brush, using diluted lye to get out the machine oil stains from beneath his fingernails.
Antes de llegar a casa, se frotaba las manos con un cepillo de cerdas y usaba lejía diluida para sacar las manchas de aceite de la maquinaria de debajo de sus uñas.
He took the bristle brush from the box. Dug deep in Good's hair, brushing it smooth and singing, softly in a Motown falsetto, the song he'd made up for her when she was a puppy. "Hey good dog;
Cogió de la caja el cepillo de cerdas y lo hundió con suavidad en el pelo de Good mientras canturreaba con voz de falsete, a lo Motown, la canción que había inventado para ella cuando era cachorra: —Eh, perrita buena;
I had a good bristle brush for the scrubbing and an old cloth to wipe up, and I was working from the far corner, moving backwards towards the door; for you don’t want to scrub yourself into a corner, Sir, when doing a task like this.
Tenía un buen cepillo de cerdas duras para frotar y un trapo viejo para secar, y trabajaba retrocediendo desde el rincón del fondo hacia la puerta, porque para este tipo de trabajo, señor, hay que procurar no acabar acorralada en un rincón.
William has something called cradle cap, Jack says, or rather Carolyn says, and we must rub baby oil into his head every night and brush it with a soft-bristled brush before using a fine-toothed comb to gently lift off the flakes.
Jack dice, bueno, más bien Carolyn, que William tiene lo que se llama costra láctea, y que por las noches hay que frotarle la cabeza con aceite para bebés y pasarle un cepillo de cerdas suaves antes de usar un peine de púas delgadas para extraer las escamas con suavidad.
Greyed hair streaked by patches of snowy white is scarcely contained by a faded black skullcap, while the long, hanging beard would seem to have been washed and combed, recently—or perhaps, given its rich fullness, even groomed with a boar-bristle brush.
Un gorro de color negro desleído apenas consigue contener el cabello gris, veteado por mechones de un blanco níveo, mientras que la barba larga parece recién lavada y peinada, o incluso, dado su espesor, repasada con un cepillo de cerdas de jabalí.
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