Traduzione per "branching out" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Branching out, setting up new equipment, erecting new quarters, shoring up the old stuff.
Ramificando, erigiendo nuevo equipo, alzando nuevas construcciones, siguiendo la vieja rutina.
The chain of command was so branched out that Colomba wondered who was actually going to make the important decisions.
La cadena de mando se iba ramificando hasta tal punto que Colomba se preguntó quién iba a tomar las decisiones importantes.
My father walked straight ahead, sure-footed, undaunted by the grid of streets and their dizzying buildings that branched out all around us, each so like the others that it felt as though we were marking time.
Mi padre caminaba muy erguido, con paso firme, para nada intimidado por las calles rectilíneas de edificios vertiginosos, que se iban ramificando continuamente ante nosotros, tan idénticas que uno tenía la impresión de estar marcando el paso sin moverse de sitio.
He started taking on a whole street at a time, and branched out.
Comenzó tomando las calles principales de una vez, ramificándose.
Branching out on either side of the main cavern were Mr. Panatopolous’ caverns.
Ramificándose a cada lado de la caverna principal estaban las cavernas del señor Panatopolous.
She looks off to the men on the ancient, rickety, zigzagging scaffolding that has been growing and branching out among the rocks of the falls for hundreds of years.
Se queda mirando a los hombres sobre el antiguo, desvencijado, zigzagueante andamiaje que ha ido creciendo y ramificándose entre las rocas de la cascada durante siglos.
He had used the money to begin his climb to power, and had expanded rapidly, branching out into loan-sharking and the numbers racket, prostitution and gambling and drugs and murder.
Empleó ese dinero para ascender al poder y se expandió rápidamente ramificándose en la usura, en el fraude organizado, prostitución y juego, drogas y asesinatos.
It had begun long ago, in the days of his odyssey as a rural book huckster, under the title of “Literature Among the Farmers,” but it had branched out until it began to appear that (in bulk at least) Ridpath would have to look to his linoleum laurels.
Había comenzado mucho tiempo atrás, en los días de su odisea como traficante rural de libros, con el título de Literatura entre granjeros, pero aquello acabó ramificándose hasta que (al menos por la cantidad) dio la impresión de que el mismísimo Ridpath tendría que proteger sus laureles de linóleo.
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