Traduzione per "both characters" a spagnolo
Both characters
Esempi di traduzione.
So, in that sense, we tried to stay true to both characters.
Entonces, en ese sentido, tratamos de ser fieles a ambos personajes.
'cause it's almost like a stage play where you get to see both characters,
porque es casi como una obra teatral donde puedes ver a ambos personajes.
you have to anticipate the actions of the player, whereas in a movie, you decide what both characters say and then you write it down and that's what they say.
tienes que anticipar las acciones del jugador. mientras que en una película, tú decides lo que dicen ambos personajes luego lo escribes y eso es lo que dicen.
It was as though Milly had outgrown both characters simultaneously.
Era como si Milly hubiera superado ambos personajes simultáneamente.
But both characters had been drawn with great love and good humor;
Pero ambos personajes fueron trazados con gran cariño y humorismo;
This is the scene perhaps most closely identified with Salinger himself as he calls upon both characters to express his own feelings: Babe his emotions regarding the army and leaving home, Vincent his professional persona and his foreboding over the war’s possible impact upon his writing.
Ésta es quizá la escena más identificable con Salinger, puesto que emplea a ambos personajes para expresar sus propios sentimientos: Babe refleja sus emociones en referencia al ejército y a la marcha del hogar, y Vincent su faceta profesional y su preocupación por el posible impacto de la guerra en su escritura.
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