Traduzione per "black bag" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Some had black bags put over their heads and were suffocated for several minutes until their bodies became blue several times in a row.
Pusieron bolsas negras sobre la cabeza de algunos para sofocarlos varios minutos hasta que el cuerpo se les puso azul varias veces seguidas.
He was handcuffed to a stool, beaten, and a black bag was put over his head.
Fue esposado a un banco, golpeado y le pusieron una bolsa negra en la cabeza.
Explosives were found in a black bag, but the author denies having had knowledge of their presence.
La policía encontró explosivos en una bolsa negra, pero el autor dice que no sabía nada de ellos.
In the black bag there.
En la bolsa negra.
The soft black bag.
La bolsa negra.
A big black bag.
Un bolso negro grande.
Black bags in there.
Las bolsas negras aquí.
- Algernon, my little black bag.
-Algernon, mi bolsa negra.
And she was carrying something, in a black bag.
Y llevaba algo en una bolsa negra.
Valkyrie gripped the black bag.
Valquiria agarró la bolsa negra.
He was attaching the black bag to the rifle.
Adjuntó la bolsa negra al rifle.
Will stared at the contours of the black bag.
Will observaba los contornos de la bolsa negra.
“Yes, and you put them in your black bag.”
—Sí, y las metió en su bolsa negra.
It was like being stuck in a suffocating black bag.
Era como estar metida en una asfixiante bolsa negra.
They were not in a black bag, but in an infinite extension.
No estaban en una bolsa negra, sino en una extensión infinita.
The cart seemed to be full of black bags.
El carrito parecía lleno de bolsas negras.
Hey, you haven't seen a child with a black bag?
Oiga, ¿usted no ha visto un niño con una mochila negra?
He looked down at the cask-shaped bottle, at the tiny glasses, at the black bag.
Miró la botella con forma de tonel y las copas diminutas y la mochila negra.
Rugolo wondered how he had managed to hide both in the black bag.
Rugolo se preguntó cómo se las habría ingeniado para esconder las dos cosas en la mochila negra.
I bought a simple black bag with plenty of space for my books, and picked up a plastic lunch box as well.
Compré una sencilla mochila negra con mucho espacio para mis libros, y también una fiambrera de plástico.
Over his shoulder he was carrying a black bag, around his forehead was the same patterned bandanna that he'd worn before.
Llevaba una mochila negra colgada del hombro, y en la frente el mismo pañuelo estampado que la última vez.
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