Traduzione per "being of" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Thus, the condition of being competent is equated to that of being competitive.
Así pues, ser competente equivale a ser competitivo.
This study observed that being poor and being indigenous are synonymous.
En este estudio se observa que ser indígena es sinónimo de ser pobre.
As a result, they go from being irregular migrants to being victims of trafficking.
En consecuencia, pasan de ser migrantes irregulares a ser víctimas de trata.
§ 246 Unauthorised experiment on the human being and the cloning of a human being
Artículo 246 Experimentos no autorizados con seres humanos y clonación de seres humanos.
Words and languages define human beings as thinking beings.
Las palabras y los idiomas definen al ser humano como ser pensante.
It is the most shameful, degrading exploitation of human beings by other human beings.
Es la explotación más vergonzosa y humillante de seres humanos por otros seres humanos.
Beings of immense power.
Seres de inmenso poder.
Could I be of help?
¿Puedo ser de ayuda?
- A being of light.
- Un ser de luz.
You could be of value.
Podrías ser de valor.
Should be of some use.
Deberían ser de utilidad.
Being plunges downward into nothing. Being is nothing. Nothing is being.
El ser se precipita en la nada. El ser es la nada. La nada es el ser.
between being and non-being.
entre el ser y el no ser.
His being is every being.
Su ser es todos los seres.
Between un-being and being.
Entre no ser y ser.
Egypt When I had come into being, being (itself) came into being, and all beings came into being after I came into being.
EGIPTO Cuando yo llegué a ser, el (propio) ser llegó a ser, y todos los seres llegaron a ser después que yo llegué a ser.
Punish him for being a drunk, for being a no-account, for being an Indian, for being a queer.
Quería castigarlo por ser un borracho, por ser un inútil, por ser indio, por ser maricón.
All that was, was this being, and this being, was everything.
Todo lo que existía era este ser, y este ser lo era todo.
Being was not Well-Being;
Ser no era ser feliz, claro;
Being a judge and being human.”
Ser un juez y ser humano.
Being adults and being friends.
Ser adultos y ser amigos.
The company would still be of your property.
La compañía seguiría siendo de su propiedad.
You're being of less than no help.
No está siendo de ninguna ayuda.
Being of Korean descent, she had an easy name... for both countries:
Siendo de origen coreano, "Yuri" es un nombre cómodo... para ambos países.
Sir, being of the opinion that you endeavoured to embroil me with women, and by other means,
Sir, siendo de la opinión que se esforzó por mí enredar con las mujeres, y por otros medios,
- The Lumen continues to be of vital importance.
- El Lumen continúa siendo de vital importancia.
He found a lifeboat, rigged a sail... and being of a nautical discipline, ... turned his eyes to the Heavens and read the stars.
Encontró un bote salvavidas, armó una vela y siendo de una disciplina náutica miró hacia el Cielo y leyó las estrellas.
Two finer police the world has not yet made, so be of good heart, this maniac will be brought to ground and hard.
Los dos mejores policías que el mundo ha visto, así que siendo de buen corazón, ese maníaco acabará bajo tierra.
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