Traduzione per "been remiss" a spagnolo
Been remiss
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Esempi di traduzione.
Since moving in next door I've been remiss in not calling to pay my respects.
Desde que somos vecinos, he sido negligente al no presentar mis respetos.
I have been remiss in my introductions.
He sido negligente en mi presentación.
That's where you and I have been remiss... We never clean things up.
Tú y yo no hemos sido negligentes a la hora de hacer limpieza.
It's my fault. I've been remiss for far too long.
He sido negligente durante demasiado tiempo.
However, the government has been remiss in updating their equipment.
Sin embargo, el gobierno ha sido negligente en lo referente a la actualización de sus equipos.
you're right. i've been remiss.
Tienes razón- He sido negligente.
I feel I've been remiss in my duties.
Siento que he sido negligente en mis deberes.
I hope I have not been remiss in my duties.
Espero no haber sido negligente en mis deberes.
He explained shamefacedly, ‘I have been remiss.
Avergonzado, él le explicó: —He sido negligente.
My darling Jacob said worriedly, "I'm afraid I have been remiss, too."
   Mi querido Jacob dijo preocupado:    - Me temo que yo también he sido negligente.
I have been remiss: if I had acted sooner, perhaps we would have avoided this foolishness altogether.
He sido negligente: si yo hubiera actuado más temprano, quizás habríamos evitado totalmente esta imbecilidad.
He might have been remiss where the girl was concerned, but there were still people out there who needed him to protect and serve them, whether they liked it or not.
Podía haber sido negligente en lo concerniente a esa chica, pero aún quedaba gente ahí fuera que necesitaba su protección y sus servicios, les gustara o no.
Distracted by our guests, we had been remiss: the boy’s left leg was now webbed to the roof by several stout new tendrils, each the width of a wrist.
Distraídos por nuestros invitados, habíamos sido negligentes: el chico ya tenía la pierna izquierda pegaba al tejado por medio de varios zarcillos nuevos y recios, cada uno del grosor de una muñeca.
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