Traduzione per "become extinct" a spagnolo
Become extinct
Esempi di traduzione.
He'd seen his species become extinct.
Había visto extinguirse a su especie.
“And like the dinosaur is about to become extinct.”
Y al igual que los dinosaurios éste también está a punto de extinguirse.
Their population dwindled, but they did not become extinct as did so many of the others.
Su población disminuyó, pero no llegaron a extinguirse como muchos otros.
“How? You don’t expect them to become extinct again, do you?”
—¿Cómo? ¿No esperarán que vuelvan a extinguirse?
It was not that intelligent life was rare, it seemed, but that intelligent life was very, very prone to becoming extinct.
No era que la vida inteligente fuese escasa, al parecer, sino que la vida inteligente tenía una tendencia muy, muy grande a extinguirse.
Minus the now-defunct petrochemical supply chain, fake fur and leather were rapidly becoming extinct.
Al desaparecer la cadena de suministros petroquímicos, la piel y el cuero falsos empezaron a extinguirse a marchas forzadas.
“I still don’t see the object of the project if the human race is going to become extinct,” Timberlane said.
-Sigo sin comprender la finalidad del proyecto si la raza humana llega a extinguirse -dijo Timberlane-.
This was because it was believed that no species could ever become extinct, since God would not allow one of His creations to die.
Eso se debió a que se tenía la creencia de que ninguna especie podría extinguirse, ya que Dios no habría de permitir que una de Sus creaciones muriera.
but have killed all indiscriminately, so that many of the rarer fur-bearing animals are in danger of one day becoming extinct.
los han matado todos indiscriminadamente, así que muchos de los animales más raros, cuyas pieles son apreciadas, están en peligro de extinguirse.
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