Traduzione per "be to me" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
If it is, then that is fine by me.
De ser así, a mí me parece bien.
Let me be clear.
Permítaseme ser claro.
But let me be candid.
No obstante, permítaseme ser sincero.
Let me be very clear.
Quisiera ser muy claro.
Let me be specific.
Permítaseme ser concreto.
You always will be, to me.
Siempre lo serás para
Or you will be to me.
O lo serás para .
Explain what you have been to me... and what I believe you can be to me. Hmm?
Explica lo que has sido para mí... y lo que creo que puedes ser para .
It had to be me. And if it was me, it had to be you.
Tenía que ser yo. Y si era yo, tuviste que ser tú.
‘They hate you for being you and me for being me.’
–Te odian por ser tú misma, y a mí por ser yo mismo.
It is not for such as him, or such as me.
No es para seres como él y como yo.
It would have to be me.
Tendría que ser yo.
It doesn’t have to be me.
No tengo que ser yo.
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