Traduzione per "be tired of" a spagnolo
Be tired of
Esempi di traduzione.
They are a people without hope, tired and oppressed ...
Es un pueblo sin esperanza, cansado y agobiado ...
We are tired of chasing the end of the rainbow.
Estamos cansados de perseguir el final del arco iris.
All of you are asleep, all of you are tired.
Todos ustedes están medio dormidos, todos están cansados.
We think they are tired of this war, like we are.
Creemos que se han cansado de esta guerra, como nosotros.
You are very tired, very low, physically.
Están muy cansados, están agotados físicamente.
They are tired of terrorism, tired of despotism and tired of hatred.
Están cansados del terrorismo, cansados del despotismo y cansados del odio.
We are tired of the ritual accusations against Ghana.
Estamos cansados de las acusaciones de ritual contra Ghana.
Give me your tired, your poor,
Dadme a vuestros cansados, vuestros pobres,
The people of the Middle East are tired -- tired of bloodshed and tired of violence.
Los pueblos del Oriente Medio están cansados; cansados del derramamiento de sangre y cansados de la violencia.
Can't I be tired of him, the buffalo!
- ¿No puedo estar cansada de él?
- You must be tired of waiting
- Debes estar cansada de esperar.
You must be tired of trout.
Debes estar cansado de las truchas.
I must be tired of life.
Debo estar cansado de la vida.
Thought you might be tired of knocking.
Creo que debes estar cansado de llamar.
She must be tired of holding her breath.
Ella estará cansada de retener su aliento.
Sit down... you must be tired of running
Siéntate... debes estar cansada de huir.
You must be tired of it.
Debes estar cansado de todo eso.
He was tired: tired of this jackass, tired of everything, tired of life itself.
Estaba cansado, cansado de aquel idiota, cansado de todo, cansado de la vida misma.
Tired, tired,” he murmured, “oh so tired.
Cansado, cansado —murmuró—, estoy tan cansado
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