Traduzione per "be in it" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
Well, you got to be in it to win it, boys.
Bueno, tienes que estar en ello para ganarlo, muchachos.
You have to be in it to win it.
Tienes que estar en ello para ganártelo.
You're showing up for your duty shifts, you do what's required, but your heart doesn't seem to be in it.
Te presentas a tus turnos de trabajo, haces lo debido, pero tu corazón no parece estar en ello.
Being in it, it just changed me.
Estar en ello, simplemente me cambió.
It sucks, but I'd rather be in it that out of it.
Apesta, pero preferiría estar en ello que fuera de ello.
Not be in it.
No estar en ella.
Guys, can I be in it?
¿Puedo estar en ella?
Who will be in it? Iben?
¿Quién estará en ella?
You're gonna be in it.
Estarás en ella.
It's right to be in it.
E5 correcto estar en ella.
He won't be... won't be in it.
No estará... en ella.
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