Traduzione per "be at a premium" a spagnolo
Be at a premium
Esempi di traduzione.
There are no premiums.
No genera primas.
Ranieri himself wasn't charged a premium.
A Ranieri no le cobraban ninguna prima.
“Your fire insurance premiums will go down…”
Las primas de sus pólizas se reducirán…
He just paid one premium on it and then left.
Pagó una sola prima y luego se fugó.
“I don’t suppose I’d be able to afford the premiums.”
—Dudo que pudiera pagar las primas.
“I hope you paid your insurance premiums.”
—Espero que hayas pagado las primas del seguro.
If you win, they dump you or they double your premiums.
Si ganamos, nos echan o nos duplican la prima.
Sometimes they pay up but raise their premiums to unfeasible levels.
En ocasiones pagan, pero elevan sus primas hasta cantidades inviables.
Her childlessness put a premium upon her murder;
El no tener hijos era como una prima ofrecida a su eventual asesino;
He shook his head. “I couldn’t afford the premiums.”
Meneó la cabeza. —No podía pagar las primas.
Phileas Fogg’s name was once more at a premium on ‘Change.
El nombre de Phileas Fogg volvió a ganar prima en el mercado.
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