Traduzione per "attend to them" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
I believe you will want to attend to them personally.
Creo que preferiréis atenderlas personalmente.
We are working twenty-four hours a day to attend to them.
Trabajamos veinticuatro horas al día para atenderla.
It was pleasant to have the ladies at Mopu, it was convenient and sensible, for there he had leisure to attend to them;
Era agradable tener a las damas en Mopu; también era práctico y sensato, pues allí disponía de tiempo para atenderlas.
The two tiny bullet wounds were the cause, of course, and Hickey forced Goodsir to attend to them daily now.
Las dos diminutas heridas de bala eran la causa, por supuesto, y Hickey obligó a Goodsir a atenderlas diariamente.
A crowd was starting to form at the warm end of the bar, farthest away from the door, and she went to attend to them.
El extremo más cálido del bar se estaba llenando de gente, en el punto opuesto a la puerta, y se dirigió hacia allí para atenderlos.
The nun who guarded the gate saw him in his black taffetas, and the girl dressed like a queen, and she made her way through the crowd to attend to them.
La tornera lo vio con sus tafetanes negros, y vio a la niña vestida de reina, y se abrió paso para atenderlos.
Hot on their heels, as always, came the journalists, and to attend to them the duty press officer manned a position at the end of Paul’s Lane.
Pisándoles los talones, como siempre, aparecieron los periodistas, y para atenderles a todos el jefe de prensa de la Policía se puso al mando de un centro operativo al final de Paul’s Lane.
These were laid down on improvised beds of piled rose petals, and Abaddas found time to attend to them with healing spells he had learned during his time in the Eye.
Los acostaron en camas improvisadas hechas de pétalos de rosa amontonados, y Abaddas encontró tiempo para atenderlos con hechizos curativos que había aprendido durante su estancia en el Ojo.
In 1754, when Martín and Melchor went to the ring, there were no longer haughty noblemen who faced the bull for honor and prestige, with servants waiting in the wings to attend to them at all times.
Ese año de 1754, cuando Martín y Melchor asistieron a la corrida, ya no había nobles altaneros que se enfrentaran al toro en una cuestión de honor y prestigio, con criados pendientes de atenderlos en todo momento.
See Herodotus, ii. 45. ñ EDITOR.} Now, as ill luck would have it, the particular hippopotami we had shot were a family of tame animals that were kept in the mouth of the port and daily fed by priests whose special duty it was to attend to them.
Así pues, tuvimos mala suerte, ya que los hipopótamos a los que habíamos disparado eran animales pacíficos que solían nadar en la boca del puerto y que diariamente eran alimentados por los sacerdotes, cuya misión era precisamente atenderles.
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