Traduzione per "associating himself" a spagnolo
Associating himself
Esempi di traduzione.
How had Mordaunt associated himself with these savages?
¿Cómo pudo Mordaunt asociarse con aquellos salvajes?
Or he could associate himself with some party of men trying to hike down, but as a fiercely independent Irishman, he did not trust group adventures.
Podía asociarse con un grupo de hombres que tratara de llegar a pie, pero él era un irlandés independiente y no le gustaban las aventuras en grupo.
Since his brief adventure with Mona, Erridge had shown no further sign of wanting to marry, even to associate himself with another woman at all intimately.
Desde su breve aventura con Mona, Erridge no había dado muestras de querer casarse y ni siquiera de asociarse íntimamente con alguna otra mujer.
He did not pause to wonder whether Balfour could be risking his own reputation, by associating himself with a story of cuckoldry, blackmail, murder, and revenge, and nor did he spare a thought for how Balfour might be recompensed.
No se detuvo a preguntarse si Balfour podría estar poniendo en entredicho su propia reputación al asociarse con una historia de cuernos, chantajes, asesinatos y venganzas, y tampoco se detuvo a pensar en cómo podría recompensarlo.
But in time I tired of those puerile ideas, and began in their place to think of societies and ways of thought wholly different from our own, worlds in which all the people, knowing themselves descended from a single pair of colonists, treated one another as brothers and sisters, worlds where there was no currency but honor, so that everyone worked in order that he might be entitled to associate himself with some man or woman who had saved the community, worlds in which the long war between mankind and the beasts was pursued no more.
Pero al cabo de un tiempo me cansé de esas ideas pueriles, y empecé a pensar en sociedades y formas de pensamiento completamente distintas de las nuestras, mundos en los cuales las personas, sabiéndose descendientes de una sola pareja de colonos, se trataban entre sí como hermanos y hermanas, mundos donde, al no haber dinero sino honor, todos trabajaban en orden para tener derecho a asociarse con cierto hombre o mujer que había salvado a la comunidad, mundos en los que ya no se libraba la larga guerra entre el hombre y los animales.
And he looked at the coloured sea and the brightly polished sky, associating himself to a certain extent with so much purity, because he felt himself worthy of it.
Y miraba el oscuro mar y el cielo limpio asociándose de alguna forma a tanta pureza porque se consideraba digno de ella.
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