Traduzione per "assign it" a spagnolo
Assign it
Esempi di traduzione.
They cannot be assigned to night work, or overtime work, or work during days off.
Se prohíbe asignarlos a trabajos en turnos nocturnos, en horas extraordinarias y en días de descanso.
Perhaps that could be assigned to another organ, such as an ombudsman, for the sake of greater transparency.
Tal vez fuera posible asignarlo a otro órgano, como un defensor del pueblo, para conseguir una mayor transparencia.
The accused is now seeking to appeal the assignment of counsel.
El acusado está en vías de apelar la decisión de asignarle letrado.
The authority could also decide to assign them to different duties.
La autoridad puede decidir también asignarle unas tareas distintas de las que realizaba hasta entonces.
Finally, the Commission would consider issues assigned to it by the Assembly and the Council, as they deem appropriate.
Por último, la Comisión examinaría las cuestiones que la Asamblea y el Consejo consideraran apropiado asignarle.
Indexing a document means, generally, assigning to it words to represent it in the context of the database.
Indexar un documento es, en general, asignarle palabras destinadas a representar lo que significa en el contexto de la base.
These are difficult to enumerate or characterize, and it is therefore difficult to assign them a material or financial value.
Éstas no son fáciles de enumerar o caracterizar y es por tanto difícil asignarles valor material o financiero.
(a) Assignment to a particular place of residence or change of residence;
a) Asignarlo a un lugar de residencia determinado o disponer cambiarse de él;
"The law may assign public functions to them and establish the appropriate controls."
La ley podrá asignarles funciones públicas y establecer los debidos controles.
The views differed, however, as to the particular issues that should be considered and the priority to be assigned to them.
Sin embargo, hubo distintas opiniones sobre las cuestiones concretas que habría que examinar y la prioridad que cabría asignarles.
(Assign her a location.
(Asignarle un emplazamiento.
I can assign you an officer.
Puedo asignarle a un agente.
To begin with, we must assign categories.
Por empezar, debemos asignarle una categoría.
Finch to assign him nursing duties!
– ¡Mira que asignarle labores de enfermería!
did not even bother to assign an angel to them.)
ni siquiera se molestó en asignarles un ángel.)
If the ideal boy were to be assigned a temperature, it would be lukewarm.
Si hubiera que asignarle una temperatura sería tibio.
Then I can assign you a berth to ground.
Luego podré asignarle un amarradero para aterrizar.
It's in how you train your people, and assign responsibilities to them.
Al entrenar a los hombres y asignarles responsabilidades.
“No! Listen, I don’t have time to assign another contractor to the case.
—¡No! Escucha, no tengo tiempo de asignarle el caso a otro.
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