Traduzione per "assassination of president kennedy" a spagnolo
Assassination of president kennedy
Esempi di traduzione.
Jackie Kennedy was forced to discuss housekeeping details with lady bird Johnson four days after the assassination of President Kennedy, and she was out of the White House within two weeks of his death.
Jackie Kennedy fue obligada a discutir sus asuntos domésticos con Lady Bird Johnson cuatro días después del asesinato del Presidente Kennedy, y salió de la Casa Blanca dos semanas después de su muerte.
Dallas police have arrested a man whom they suspect of being involved in the assassination of President Kennedy.
La policía de Dallas a detenido a un hombre sospechoso de estar implicado en el asesinato del presidente Kennedy.
To the latter one needs only to remember that an unsolved riddle, six years older, the assassination of President Kennedy still daunts the minds of the vast majority of Americans.
Como ejemplo tenemos el asesinato del presidente Kennedy, que todavía obsesiona las mentes de muchos norteamericanos.
No, Esqueleto amado, in verity it was like this: the wealthy gringo junta that arranged the assassination of President Kennedy soon became the entire heart of the Texas Establishment.
—No, amado Esqueleto, en verdad fue así: la junta de gringos ricos que dispuso el asesinato del presidente Kennedy pronto se convirtió en alma del gobierno tejano.
Nicholas Branch in his glove-leather armchair is a retired senior analyst of the Central Intelligence Agency, hired on contract to write the secret history of the assassination of President Kennedy.
Nicholas Branch, sentado en un sillón de cuero suave como un guante, es un antiguo analista retirado de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia, contratado para redactar la historia secreta del asesinato del presidente Kennedy.
Joe, Sally, and May Ling were on their way to Higate, Joe driving with May Ling in the place of honor beside him, and Sally and Daniel in back of the car, when they heard the news over the radio of the assassination of President Kennedy.
Joe, Sally y May Ling estaban de camino a Higate. Joe conducía, llevando a May Ling en el lugar de honor a su lado. Sally y Daniel iban en la parte posterior del coche. De pronto, por la radio oyeron la noticia del asesinato del presidente Kennedy.
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