Traduzione per "already-occupied" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
I got four, but two are already occupied.
Tengo cuatro, pero dos están ya ocupadas.
I'm afraid, madame, that the King Louis is already occupied, but I'm sure you'll find the Bonaparte quite acceptable.
Siento que la King Louis esté ya ocupada. Pero seguro que encontrará la Bonaparte bastante aceptable.
Here and there the places were already occupied. So, further out!
Aquí y allá los lugares estaban ya ocupados. ¡Y así sucesivamente!
But as Americans begin to head west by the thousands... they're pushing into land that's already occupied by a people determined to defend it.
Pero como los americanos se dirigen a miles hacia el Oeste... se adentran en una tierra ya ocupada por un pueblo determinado a defenderla.
The residence is already occupied by Miss Marturano, here present... who, for six months now, as you can see from the date on this lease- has been paying rent for the past six months... in anticipation of the painful event that was expected to occur... and has, in fact, occurred.
El alojamiento está ya ocupado por la Srta. Filomena Marturano... la cual hace seis meses, como puede ver en la fecha del contrato... hace seis meses que paga el alquiler... en vista de los acontecimientos dolorosos que han ocurrido...
Most of the other tables were already occupied.
Casi todas las demás estaban ya ocupadas.
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