Traduzione per "adapted and" a spagnolo
Adapted and
Esempi di traduzione.
(c) An adapted regime
c) Un régimen adaptado
Work in an adapted environment
Trabajo en un entorno adaptado
53. Adapted information.
53. Información adaptada.
Adapted military service
Servicio militar adaptado
Yes, adapted to
Sí, adaptadas a las
An adapted method
Un método adaptado
that is adapted to the needs of detainees;
adaptada a los detenidos,
* Adapted from WHO, 2004
* Adaptado de OMS, 2004
Adapted and directed by KEISUKE KINOSHITA
Adaptada y diririgida por KEISUKE KINOSHITA
Screen Adaptation and Direction by Sergey BONDARCHUK
Guión adaptado y Dirección Sergey BONDARCHUK
Planet Earth's earliest life forms may have adapted and persevered under extreme conditions.
Las primeras formas de vida del planeta Tierra pudieron haberse adaptado y prosperado bajo condiciones extremas.
He's adapted and he functions very well.
Se ha adaptado y se desenvuelve bien.
Automatically adapted and outputted. Outputted?
para que la informacion automáticamente sea adaptada y resultada.
And what happens when the loom's adapted and can stop automatically?
¿Y qué pasa cuando el telar esté adaptado y pueda parar automáticamente?
While the virus has been busy inside the cell, our antibodies have adapted and now come back in force, carrying new receptors, tailor-made to lock onto the escaping army.
Mientras que el virus ha estado ocupado dentro de la célula, nuestros anticuerpos se han adaptado y ahora regresan fortalecidos, llevando nuevos receptores, hechos a medida para bloquear al ejército que escapa.
Adapted and updated by Manoel de Oliveira
Adaptado y actualizado por Manoel de Oliveira
Under Roger's rule, the Normans in Sicily adapted and assimilated into the local population, just as they had done with great success in France and England.
Bajo el dominio de Roger, los normandos en Sicilia adaptada y asimilada en la población local, tal como lo había hecho con gran éxito en Francia e Inglaterra.
I think it's highly possible that they've adapted and developed physically in those fashions in relation to the conditions on their relative home planets.
Creo que es muy posible que se hayan adaptado y desarrollado físicamente de esas maneras debido a las condiciones de sus planetas natales.
They had adapted, and would continue to adapt.
Se habían adaptado, y seguirían adaptándose.
They may not be adapted to that.
Es posible que no estén adaptadas a ella.
They’re adapted for it!”
¡Están adaptados a estas situaciones!
He would have adapted.
Se habría adaptado.
We had not adapted ourselves to it.
No estábamos adaptados a ellos.
She said, “But machines can be adapted. You’ve been adapted, Yam.
—Pero las máquinas pueden ser adaptadas… tú mismo estás adaptado, Yam.
"They're adapted, we're not.
—Están adaptadas al medio.
But what Adapted Man?
¿Pero qué Hombre Adaptado?
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