Traduzione per "absent mindness" a spagnolo
Absent mindness
Esempi di traduzione.
This had been left on a table in the hall by some mischance, probably by Arranways himself, for he was rather a careless and absent-minded man.
Aquél lo había encontrado en una mesita del hall, donde lo dejarían por descuido, probablemente el mismo Arranways, que era un hombre bastante distraído.
Among his minor peculiarities are that he is careless as to his attire, unclean in his person, exceedingly absent-minded in his habits, and addicted to smoking a short briar pipe, which is seldom out of his mouth.
Entre sus particularidades menores se pueden contar su descuido en el vestir, la falta de limpieza en su persona, la extremada distracción en todos sus hábitos y su afición a fumar en una corta pipa de escaramujo, que rara vez está fuera de su boca.
While he was walking toward the booth with his slow flopping gait, she took up his hat from the chair and swiftly examined its lining: there was his name (he had had it put there in order to thwart absent-minded artists at parties).
Mientras él se dirigía a la cabina con su paso cansino, tomó el sombrero de la silla y examinó rápidamente el forro: allí estaba su nombre (se lo hizo poner para combatir los descuidos de los artistas en las fiestas).
"Dear Mrs. Tranter, she wanted me to be the first to meet ..." and "I am most surprised that Ernestina has not called on you yet-- she has spoiled us--already two calls . and "I am sure it is an oversight--Mrs. Tranter is an affectionate old soul, but so absent-minded ..."
«Mrs. Tranter es un encanto. Ha querido que yo sea la primera en conocer…», y «¡Qué raro que Ernestina no haya estado todavía en su casa! A nosotros ya nos ha hecho dos visitas. Desde luego, nos tiene mal acostumbrados…», y «Estoy segura de que se trata de un descuido. Mrs. Tranter es un alma de Dios, ¡pero tan distraída!».
He’s a bit absent-minded and he clean forgot about the expiry of the insurance cover on his paintings.
Es un poco despistado y olvidó la fecha de vencimiento de la póliza que asegura sus pinturas.
            "He's a very absent-minded fellow, your honor," said Srole. "Not signing a lease is a normal oversight, for him."
—Señoría, es un sujeto muy distraído —dijo Srole—. No firmar el nuevo arrendamiento es un olvido perfectamente normal en él.
“Don’t forget to set the alarm,” she warned him, and then to Royan, “He can be so absent-minded when he is off on one of his hobby-horses.”
—No olvide conectar la alarma —insistió, y se volvió hacia Royan —: ¡Es tan distraído cuando monta su caballito de bata­lla!
"Well - it only means that your absent-minded father forgot to take him up with him," said Julian, in his most sensible voice. "What did you see?"
—Bueno, ¿y que? Eso no significa mas que tu padre se olvido de subirlo con el —manifestó Julián, con tono tranquilo y compasivo—. ¿Que es lo que viste exactamente?
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