Traduzione per "was revolver" a russo
Esempi di traduzione.
Suddenly she threw the revolver aside.
Вдруг она отбросила револьвер.
Suddenly she took a revolver from her pocket, cocked it, and lowered the hand holding the revolver to the little table.
Вдруг она вынула из кармана револьвер, взвела курок и опустила руку с револьвером на столик.
Hah, but that's my revolver! An old acquaintance!
Ба! Да револьвер-то мой! Старый знакомый!
She held the revolver ready. “Well, and your brother?
Револьвер она держала наготове. — Ну, а брат?
His hand was on a revolver in his pocket every minute he was in the house----
У него был заряженный револьвер в кармане.
The revolver and the notebook lay just by his elbow.
Револьвер и записная книжка лежали тут же, у локтя.
He put the revolver to his right temple.
Он приставил револьвер к своему правому виску.
“America?” Svidrigailov took out the revolver and cocked it.
— В Америку? Свидригайлов вынул револьвер и взвел курок.
Dunechka gave a start, quickly cocked the revolver, and raised it again.
Дунечка вздрогнула, быстро взвела курок и опять подняла револьвер.
Having felt for the revolver in his pocket, he took it out and adjusted the cap;
Нащупав в кармане револьвер, он вынул его и поправил капсюль;
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