Traduzione per "they were worth" a russo
Esempi di traduzione.
The United States Ambassador to the United Nations in fact admitted this; when questioned whether the half million deaths were "worth it", she replied: "we think the price is worth it".
Фактически это признала и посол Соединенных Штатов при Организации Объединенных Наций; когда ее спросили, "стоит ли это" полумиллиона смертей, она ответила: "Мы полагаем, что цена стоит того"59.
Well, she's been paying you a lot more than they were worth.
Ну, она вам заплатила намного больше, чем они стоили.
They were worth twice what we were going to sell them for.
Они стоили вдвое дороже того, за сколько мы хотели их продать.
I relieved myself of them for seventeen crowns each which was rather more than they were worth.
Я избавился от них, получив 17 крон за каждого, и это даже больше, чем они стоили.
Didn't have a clue what they were worth.
Не имел понятия, сколько они стоят.
Madison must've heard about the bonds from her dad, where Chen was hiding them, and how much they were worth.
Должно быть, Мэдисон услышала об облигациях от отца, где Чен их прятал и сколько они стоят.
But we're to blame. We confused the notion of property with the notion of home and we thought that our homes made us rich, because estate agents lied to us, obviously, about how much they were worth. Then we spent that money that we didn't really have on rubbish.
Но винить надо нас. сколько они стоят на самом деле. на мусор.
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