Traduzione per "comrades were" a russo
Esempi di traduzione.
Two comrades were serving...
служили два товарища...
Two comrades were serving, yeah.
Служили два товарища... Ага.
My comrades were not so lucky.
Моим товарищам не так повезло.
Two comrades were serving In the same regiment.
Служили два товарища в одним и тем полке.
More courageous Comrades were left behind ... because of bourgeois sentimentality.
Более достойные товарищи остались позади, потому что буржуи сентиментальны.
My comrades were asleep... Tired from the battle the day before.
Мои товарищи, уставшие после вчерашнего боя, мирно спали.
He told the official to keep his mouth shut... and us comrades were to not say a word either.
Чиновник - рот на замок, а мы, товарищи, молчим как рыбы.
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