Traduzione per "all of them were" a russo
All of them were
Esempi di traduzione.
All of them were subsequently released.
Все они были впоследствии освобождены.
All of them were government agents.
Все они были правительственными агентами.
And all of them were these dreamers addicted to romance.
И все они были мечтателями, помешанными на романтике.
And all of them were bought at one of the two big box electronics stores.
И все они были куплены в одном из двух магазинов электроники.
All of them were at absolute bottom when they went into treatment at New Springs.
Все они были на дне, когда попали на лечение в клинику.
All of them were hooded and masked.
Все они были в масках, на головах у них были капюшоны.
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