Traduzione per "wolf was" a italiano
Esempi di traduzione.
So one moment the wolf was in your house, next thing he was in your car?
Quindi... un secondo prima, il lupo era in casa sua, e quello dopo era nella sua auto?
Gabriel tried to stop her, and when she drove away, the wolf was in her car.
Gabriel ha cercato di fermarla, ma quando e' uscita con l'auto, il lupo era li' dentro.
But the wolf was prowling, the fierce, famished, lazy wolf... who swallowed until he was almost bursting.
Ma il lupo era nei dintorni, quel feroce e famelico fannullone... che ingoiò tutto fino quasi a scoppiare.
How did you know that wolf was there?
Come facevi a sapere che quel lupo era li'?
Gabriel tried to stop me, but the wolf was in the car, and I had to get away.
Gabriel ha cercato di fermarmi, ma il lupo era in macchina, quindi dovevo scappare.
Little Red Riding Hood didn't know that the wolf was dangerous, so she told him she was visiting her grandma.
Cappuccetto Rosso non sapeva che il lupo era pericoloso, e gli disse che andava a trovare la nonna.
I remember this one time when the poor wolf was being chased by Little Red Riding Hood around his grandmother's house and she had an axe.
Mi ricordo quando il povero lupo era inseguito da cappuccetto rosso, che correva con in mano un'ascia intorno alla casa della nonna.
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