Traduzione per "were cousins" a italiano
Were cousins
Esempi di traduzione.
First thing you need to know, Tony Allen and Joey Marks were cousins.
La prima cosa che devi sapere, Tony Allen e Joey Marks erano cugini.
They were cousins, like brother and sister,... ..and he was forcing her to do this.
Erano cugini, quasi come fratelli ... ed egli la costrinse a fare questo.
Jesus and Santa were cousins.
Gesu' e Babbo Natale erano cugini.
He said they were cousins or something.
Ha detto che erano cugini o roba simile.
Did you ever believe Rudy and Paul's story that they were cousins?
Ha mai creduto alla storia che Rudy e Paul erano cugini?
The hillside stranglers were cousins.
Gli strangolatori della collina erano cugini.
I mean, it's not your fault your parents were cousins, but here we are.
- Neanche io. - Non e' colpa tua se i tuoi erano cugini, ma questo e' quanto.
His mother and my mother were cousins.
Non lo conosco. Sua madre e mia madre erano cugine.
He and Tony were cousins.
Lui e Tony erano cugini.
Oh now, isn't that odd. I had a French grandfather and he was born in Turenne, perhaps were cousins?
non è più così strano. forse erano cugini?
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