Traduzione per "which acted" a francese
Which acted
Esempi di traduzione.
The author also submits that some of his lawyers' motions were rejected by the Supreme Court, which acted as first and last instance in his case, and that he had no right to appeal.
L'auteur affirme aussi que certaines demandes de ses avocats ont été rejetées par la Cour suprême, qui a agi en premier et dernier ressort dans son cas, et qu'il n'avait pas le droit de faire appel.
friends and partners with whom it is cooperating in all fields of political, economic and social governance; but it refuses to be associated with or connected to decisions that involve only one organ of the State, which acted completely independently, even if those decisions might raise certain questions." (A/59/PV.6)
Mais il refuse d'être associé ou assimilé à des décisions qui n'engagent qu'un organe de l'État, qui a agi en toute indépendance, même quand ces décisions pourraient soulever certaines contestations. >> (A/59/PV.6)
My delegation also expresses thanks to Ambassador Durrant, Ambassador Chowdhury and Ambassador Schumacher for their tireless efforts in leading and directing the discussions, as well as to the staff of the United Nations Children's Fund, which acted as the substantive secretariat throughout the preparatory process.
Ma délégation tient aussi à remercier l'Ambassadeur Durrant, l'Ambassadeur Chowdhury et l'Ambassadeur Schumacher pour les efforts inlassables qu'ils ont déployés afin de diriger les discussions, ainsi que le personnel du Fonds des Nations Unies pour l'enfance, qui a agi comme secrétariat principal tout au long du processus préparatoire.
Moreover, article 18(3) provides that any organization "which acts in contravention of the law must make reparation to the honour and dignity of the victim and pay compensation: the officer or person who has acted in this fashion shall be subject to either a disciplinary or a criminal sanction, depending on the seriousness of the case".
Plus encore, l'alinéa 3 de ce même article précise que tout organisme <<qui opère contrairement à la loi doit réparer l'honneur et la dignité et payer une compensation aux intérêts de la victime; l'agent ou la personne qui a agi ainsi devra subir une sanction disciplinaire ou une sanction pénale selon la gravité du cas>>.
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