Traduzione per "was that he offered" a francese
Esempi di traduzione.
He offered to provide further details at the May 2003 session.
Il a offert de donner davantage de détails à la session de mai 2003.
He offered to post his presentation in the GRRF web page as informal document No. 20a.
Il a offert d'afficher sa communication sur le site Web, sous forme de document informel no 20a, au GRRF.
He offered his experience and collaboration in the future work of GRPE on this subject.
Il a offert son expérience et sa collaboration dans le cadre des travaux futurs du GRPE sur cette question.
He offered to transmit the final text of the conclusions, including a set of Draft Principles on sustainable Transport.
Il a offert de transmettre le texte final des conclusions, y compris une série de projets de principes sur des transports viables.
He offered to provide New Zealand with technical consultations.
Il a offert de fournir à la Nouvelle-Zélande des conseils techniques.
He offered to contact the Tribunal with further thoughts and suggestions after my mission.
Il a offert de communiquer d'autres idées et suggestions au Tribunal après ma mission.
He offered, and the Board kindly accepted, to present the new products to the Board at its next session.
Il a offert de présenter ces nouveaux produits à la prochaine session de la Commission, ce qui a été accepté.
He offered to facilitate the Spanish translation of the specifications.
Il a offert de faciliter la traduction espagnole des spécifications.
He offered support and advice to the Chief Judge and the Prosecutor.
Il a offert appui et conseils au Juge principal et au Procureur.
He offered to submit proposals in this respect for the forthcoming session.
Il a offert de présenter des propositions à ce sujet à la prochaine session.
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